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Meet The Team

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Tiana Wang

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Tiana is a rising senior at St. Stephen’s School in Austin, Texas. She founded an Investment Club in school, leading 45+ members to explore the exciting world of investment. She also led an Investment Summer Camp and will be hosting a Summer Investment Summit, for the first time ever, by sharing experience and knowledge to benefit more youth. Tiana believes in The Power of Good Advice and visions a world where youths are inspired and empowered by providing them with more insights into their dream schools, future careers, and other important moments.


Matthew Rowe

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Matthew Rowe is a rising senior in high school in Austin, Texas. He first became interested in investing when he was 10 years old and read a biography of Warren Buffett. He has been investing since he was 11 and has been eager to learn more ever since. His interest has only grown in the past years, especially after spending the 2020-2021 school year as an exchange student in Osaka, Japan. He is a leader of his school’s Investment Club and helped create summer investing camps which were attended by over 30 11 to 16 year olds last summer.

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Harrison Oddo

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Harrison Oddo is a 11th year student at St. Stephen's School in Austin Texas. Involved with the investment club, current events, and classes that promote knowledge in the market. He has strived to make investing a goal for building a more worldly perspective.

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